Monday, May. 23, 1994

No Seconds

| Before he was executed on May 10, serial killer John Wayne Gacy enjoyed an artery-clogging last meal of fried chicken, fried shrimp, French fries and fresh strawberries. Was he consciously emulating the final repasts of Perry Smith and Richard Hickock (of In Cold Blood notoriety)? A historical survey of last meals:

TED BUNDY: Serial killer; electrocuted Jan. 24, 1989; Starke, Florida.

Last meal: steak, eggs, hashed brown potatoes, coffee.

GARY MARK GILMORE: Murderer; shot by firing squad Jan. 17, 1977; Point of the Mountain, Utah.

Last meal: hamburgers, eggs, potatoes, coffee, whiskey.

PERRY SMITH AND RICHARD HICKOCK: Murderers; hanged April 14, 1965; Lansing, Kansas.

Last meal: shrimp, French fries, garlic bread, ice cream, strawberries and whipped cream.

ADOLF EICHMANN: "Contribut((ed)) to" the murder of 6 million Jews during World War II; hanged May 31, 1962; near Tel Aviv, Israel.

Last meal: half a bottle of Carmel, a dry red Israeli wine.


Kidnapper and murderer of Charles A. Lindbergh Jr.; electrocuted April 3, 1936; Trenton, New Jersey.

Last meal: celery, olives, chicken, French fries, buttered peas, cherries, cake.

JOAN OF ARC: Heretic, blasphemer, wearer of men's clothing; burned at the stake May 30, 1431; Rouen, France.

Last meal: Holy Communion.