Monday, Jul. 04, 1994
Informed Sources
Clinton Sticks Up for Religion Overseas
WASHINGTON -- Jerry Falwell would have been proud. When President Clinton met with Russian President Boris Yeltsin in Russia last January, Yeltsin complained that Russians, with the help of Christian missionaries, were becoming too religious. "You are a Christian," he said. "What do I do about this? We need to put a stop to all this." Clinton's reply: "That's not a good idea ... Putting limits on religion doesn't serve your interest in democracy."
All Right, You Dogfaces, Who Left the Toilet Seat Up?
WASHINGTON -- Although the issue of women in combat is still being fiercely debated, U.S. Army officials say one gender issue is all but decided: by year's end, men and women will be training side by side in boot camp. Currently, recruits train in single-sex, 100-troop companies. Under the soon- to-be-implemented system, men and women will be mixed in basic-training companies but segregated into same-sex squads of about 12 members each in the barracks.
Iranian Nuclear Secrets Can Be Dangerous to Your Health
PARIS -- Iranian government sources have confirmed that a Chinese nuclear engineer and two Iranian technicians who vanished in the Iranian city of Shiraz on June 3 were kidnapped. The men are thought to have possessed classified information on Iran's nuclear program. It is unclear who kidnapped them; spies from several nations operate in the area.