Monday, Jul. 04, 1994
Nobody's Calling It a Boondoggle Now
Six months after being repaired by shuttle astronauts, the Hubble Space Telescope has beamed back a universe of information. Some of the project's major accomplishments:
--Provided images of a strange pair of Hula Hoop-like rings around a distant exploded star -- a previously unknown phenomenon.
--Took detailed photos of Pluto and its moon Charon allowing astronomers to measure their diameters precisely.
--Spotted a gigantic and unusual star that is shedding matter so furiously it will eventually vanish rather than explode and collapse into a black hole.
--Found the first definitive proof of a supermassive black hole in the core of an active galaxy.
--Confirmed the abundance of protoplanetary disks of dust surrounding nearly half the stars in the Orion Nebula , which suggests many stars in our galaxy possess planets.