Monday, Aug. 01, 1994
HEALTH CARE: Less Than 100% Will Do 16
Clinton gets ready to compromise on universal coverage
WHITEWATER: Now Come Congressional Hearings 20
Big question: Have Treasury officials told the truth?
Clinton Tapes: Many accusations, no evidence
INTELLIGENCE: Enemies on All Sides 22
Spymaster Woolsey struggles to change his agency's "culture"
JUSTICE: Across the Black-White Divide 24
The race issue in the O.J. Simpson case
The Prosecution: The D.A.'s office is thrown on the defensive
POSTAL SERVICE: Signed, Sealed, Diverted, Dumped 26
Missing mail has got Congress in a state of indignation
COVER: Apocalypse Now 28
The world finally stirs in horror at the toll taken by the most
massive human exodus in generations. Can relief possibly reach
millions of desperate Rwandans in time?
Boutros-Ghali: The U.N. chief speaks his mind
BOSNIA: Ultimatum? Phooey 38
The Serbs do not accept a "final" proposal for partition
MIDDLE EAST: Make Money, Not War 39
Economics is driving the peace process for Arabs and Israelis
INTERVIEW: Sinn Fein's Gerry Adams 40
He won't say no to violence
BUSINESS: Another Monarch for the Magic Kingdom 44
Pressure builds on Disney's ailing Eisner to find a partner
THE ECONOMY: Where's the Money? 46
The triumph of capitalism could lead to a global credit crunch
EDUCATION: Everybody Into the School! 48
It's summer, but for many kids classes haven't stopped
Competitions: Six U.S. students win a math Olympiad
SCIENCE: Surprises from Jupiter's Fireworks 50
Was Shoemaker-Levy 9 really a comet -- or an asteroid?
Show Business: Making audiences cheer and weep, Forrest Gump has
become the summer's unexpected sensation 52
Sport: Baseball's stats whiz takes on the Hall of Fame 56
Cinema: The Client and two other films feature lost boys
Books: The Bird Artist is a polished tale of love and murder
A wide-eyed, witty tour through Los Angeles 59
Ideas: A feminist says her sisters have derailed the cause
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