Monday, Oct. 24, 1994
HAITI: Fate of a Nation 28
For Aristide, a triumphant return and a formidable challenge
Great Expectations: Joy and fear in the new Haiti
IRAQ: Putting Saddam Back in His Cage 34
A forceful U.S. response averts a crisis, but the threat remains
THE POLITICAL INTEREST: Why Iran's a Threat Too 39
Removing Saddam would let Tehran dominate the gulf
ISRAEL: Peace Held Hostage 40
Hamas kidnappers and their captive soldier die
CULTS: Remains of the Day 42
Mystery surrounds the death of Jouret and his followers
NORTHERN IRELAND: Orange Light for Peace 43
Protestant paramilitary groups join the I.R.A. in a cease-fire
RUSSIA: Ruble Run 43
The problems underlying the currency panic
ELECTIONS: Republican Dreams 44
A brace of Governor's races spells trouble for Clinton in 1996
Idaho: A Democrat flies high over enemy territory
INTELLIGENCE: Bumbling the Ames Case 49
Shocking new details about how the CIA ignored its mole
COVER: We're No. 1 -- and It Hurts 50
Finally, Americans are beating their Japanese, German, South
Korean, Taiwanese, name-the-country business rivals -- and in
products like autos, machine tools and computer chips. But for
many ordinary Americans, beating overseas competitors has
carried a bitterly high price
The Outlook: TIME's economists foresee solid growth in 1995
Clinton: Grudging thanks for the expansion
HEALTH: Crippled by Computers 60
With keyboard injuries rising, the government is set to step in
NOBEL PRIZES: Bittersweet Honors 64
The pain, tragedy and lost promise behind this year's winners
IDEAS: Are Intelligence and Race Linked? 66
; A new book breaks the taboo, but how sound are its arguments?
Show Business: Hurrah for Mogulwood as Steven Spielberg,
David Geffen and Jeffrey Katzenberg found a studio 68
Television: Anne Bancroft in a Paddy Chayevsky classic 71
Theater: Racing Demon, by David Hare, is a play with ideas
Books: Our best writer of Vietnam fiction returns 74
Cinema: Searing documentary about ghetto basketballers 76
Warren Beatty and Annette Bening star in Love Affair
Caro Diario is an amusing personal journal on film
George Lucas' Radioland Murders
Music: Mary Chapin Carpenter works the dark corners 80
Walter Becker (once of Steely Dan) gives fusion a good name
Joyful rock 'n' roll on Veruca Salt's debut
Press: Robert MacNeil will leave his NewsHour 85