Monday, Dec. 05, 1994
Looking At Clarence Thomas
LIBERALS COULD NOT STOMACH THE IDEA of a black conservative Justice on the U.S. Supreme Court, because of the intellectual threat he would pose to their racial and social agendas. So they set out to defeat the nomination of Clarence Thomas, and when that failed, they decided to do everything possible to negate his influence. The new book Strange Justice: The Selling of Clarence Thomas, which you reviewed ((Books, Nov. 14)), shows a part of that scheme. But what is Thomas accused of? Behaving crudely toward Anita Hill. Either it never happened, or it was so minor that it did not matter to Hill at the time. Either way, the accusation provides no basis for destroying a Justice who has every bit as much ability as Thurgood Marshall, an earthy man himself, and many other Justices.
Marc Richman
IF THE JUSTICES ON THE U.S. SUPREME Court discovered one of their own was a criminal, they would shun him, refusing to appear in court until he resigned. That is how they should treat Justice Clarence Thomas. He is unfit to serve. Several of Anita Hill's former colleagues have corroborated her allegations of Thomas' sexual harassment. As a feminist, Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg should be the first to demand Thomas' resignation from the court. Male Justices will be reluctant to blow the whistle on Thomas because they may be guilty of similar sexual harassment.
Virginia Blue Jeans Jenner
Tulsa, Oklahoma