Monday, Dec. 12, 1994






BOSNIA: The Debacle of Bihac 28

A humiliating failure for the U.N. and the Western allies

U.S. Policy: A mess in Washington too 303

Letter from Sarajevo: Not just Side A and Side B 333

RUSSIA: A Mini-Afghanistan? 36

The perils of ethnic revolt

HAITI: The Stench of Evil Is Fading 37

Bad as life still is, Aristide has brought a new sense of hope

Guns and Magic: U.S. troops adopt some unusual tactics 383

WHITE HOUSE: The Once and Future Hillary 40

The First Lady reappears, unapologetic and as feisty as ever

THE POLITICAL INTEREST: Reinventing Clinton 42

The Democrats' centrists have the ideas the President needs

TRADE: Going Up, Up in Arms 46

America has become the No. 1 weapons salesman in the world

SOCIETY: The Return of the Orphanage 58

The foster-care crisis -- and Newt Gingrich -- revive an old idea

PUBLIC EYE: Revenge of the Jenny Craig Eight 62

Sex discrimination is headline news -- when it happens to men

COVER: That's No Way to Treat a Dog 64

Decades of bad breeding have saddled a quarter of America's purebreds with hereditary illnesses that cripple and even kill -- and the nation's canine establishment is much to blame

MEDICINE: Down and Out in the N.F.L. 71

The vicious hits in football may be causing lasting brain damage

TECHNOLOGY: Lobbing E-Mail Bombs 73

Computer vandals strike terror on the Internet

ON THE MONEY: Bailouts for Everyone! 74

Maybe brokerages should reimburse all customers for losses


Show Business: With a No. 1 TV show, book and movie, Tim Allen is a nice guy who is finishing first 76

At Christmas, Manhattan is the center of the world again 82

Theater: From a British troupe, a hypnotic As You Like It 84

Books: A political novel finds humor in mudslinging 86

Camille Paglia vamps and tramps 90

Cinema: How can a Dorothy Parker biopic be witless? 90

Jodie Foster gives a fierce performance in Nell 92

Music: With Duets II, Sinatra again woos the kids 92

Prince's legendary Black Album finally surfaces 94

Beethoven's nine, as his audiences would have heard them 99



COVER: Photograph by Renee Lynn -- Tony Stone Images

INSET: Photograph for TIME by Aaron Rapoport -- Onyx

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