Monday, Nov. 13, 1995
They gathered from the fictitious streets of Honolulu, New York City and San Francisco. Together, they represent enough raw investigative talent to solve the theoretically enduring mystery of the Simpson/Goldman murders. All in all, 23 prime-time detectives recently assembled for a Hall of Fame feature to appear in next month's Vanity Fair, posing for a photo that dramatizes the evolution of the TV cop: from the ever frowning Barnaby Jones to the emotionally evolved Sipowitz of NYPD Blue. ROBERT WAGNER of Hart to Hart angled for a spot near DON JOHNSON but claimed no favorites: "This is the cream of the crop." So where was Shelley Hack?
Alas, Hillary Clinton is not a feminist of the exhibitionistic Camille Paglia school. Last week a Brazilian lingerie maker unveiled an ad featuring the First Lady with panties in view. The company, Duloren, feels the image is one of feminine empowerment. Mrs. Clinton disagrees. Pressed by the U.S. embassy, Duloren is dropping the ad.
CALLING MR. RIGHT--OR LEFT As Rachel, the shopping-happy waitress on Friends, JENNIFER ANISTON has had her share of urban dating upheaval. But her onscreen romantic life is sure to become more madcap still when she stars in the upcoming film How to Date a Congressman. The comedy is based on an article from Washingtonian magazine that recounted the writer's evenings out with five congressional bachelors. No need for Aniston to worry about her motivation: she has real-life experience with Beltway dreamboats, having once lunched a deux with George Stephanopoulos. "It was fun," says Aniston, who sees no need for more dinners with House members. "That would be too annoying."