Monday, Feb. 24, 1997
By Jeffrey Kluger
Imagine if every time you took to the road, 35 million of your fellow drivers were legally drunk. That's not likely, but it is possible they're doing something nearly as dangerous as drinking: talking on a cellular phone.
According to a study published last week in the New England Journal of Medicine, drivers using car phones are four times as likely to be involved in an accident as those minding only the road--about the same rate found among motorists driving at the legal blood-alcohol limit. The study, conducted by a Canadian research team, relied on a large sample group of cell-phone owners who had been involved in road mishaps and agreed to release their phone records. As suspected, subjects often had their collisions within minutes of initiating a call. Surprisingly, drivers with speakerphones fared no better than those using at least one hand to make a call.
The cell-phone industry is treading cautiously. One trade group conceded the findings but stressed that phones could also enhance road safety by allowing drivers in distress to call for help. Even the Journal study did not say the phones were responsible for the accidents, but that they were merely associated with them. And Michael Goodman, a researcher with the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, concurred, pointing out that the nature of a call--an argument, say--could be more distracting than the call itself.
Next month the NHSTA will try to settle the question, issuing a two-year review of research on the problem. And well it might, since things are only likely to get worse. In 1995, according to the study, the number of Americans who signed up for new cell-phone service exceeded the national birthrate.