Monday, Nov. 03, 1997


By Elaine Shannon/Washington

Clinton Drug Czar BARRY MCCAFFREY drew flak last week when he visited Colombia President ERNESTO SAMPER, who had been sanctioned by the U.S. for allegedly taking campaign funds from the Cali cartel. But in private, the retired general signaled to key members of the ruling Liberal Party that relations with the U.S. will continue to be strained if the party's presidential nominee for the May 1998 elections is the current front runner, former Interior Minister HORACIO SERPA URIBE, one of the men who took responsibility for letting the drug money into Samper's campaign. "We desperately look forward," McCaffrey told reporters, "to working with a man or woman who is talented and a person of high integrity." Privately, McCaffrey has made it clear that Serpa is not on that list.

--By Elaine Shannon/Washington