Monday, Feb. 23, 1998


By Kathleen Adams, Bernard Baumohl, M.M. Buechner, Tamala Edwards, Daniel Eisenberg, Tam Gray, Michele Orecklin, Aixa Pascual, Alain Sanders



KATE WINSLET The young, winsome star of Titanic leads a wave of British nominees for the Best Actress Oscar

KOBE BRYANT The teenage Los Angeles Lakers phenom showcases his skills at the NBA All Star Game

SPIN "Unofficial" cover on South Park matches TV show's spunk


THE OSCARS No nomination for Leonardo DiCaprio? For many young fans, he was Titanic's best special effect

CBS Younger, hipper, snowboarding Olympics are generating more controversy than ratings so far

ROLLING STONE Tired "official" cover on South Park shows mag has lost edge


LAKE PLACID NEWS, FEB. 12, 1932 Governor's Wife Rides with Red Devil Pilot

"While visiting the Olympic facilities here, despite evident anxiety on the part of Governor Franklin D. Roosevelt, Mrs. Roosevelt rode the last mile of the Mount Van Hoevenberg Bob Run. Mrs. Roosevelt had ridden on the Mirror Lake Toboggan Slide several times previous to her experiment on the big run on a sled piloted by Henry Homburger [a Winter Games medalist] of the Saranac Lake Red Devils, but expressed a desire to ride on the track which had put so many contestants on the hospital lists."


RAMPANT RESUMANIA Don't politicians love to talk! Take Senators. And their resumes in the Congressional Directory--printed at taxpayers' expense. On average, it takes 14 lines of fine print for each of the 100 to list family, educational pedigrees, military valor, career coups and "distinguished" awards (Republicans tend to need 15 lines, Democrats only 13). Who's the Senate's run-off-at-the-mouth winner? None other than its filibuster champion, Strom Thurmond, at--count 'em--79 lines. The Top 10 boasters:

SENATOR (seniority rank) Directory Lines

Strom Thurmond: R, South Carolina (1) 79 Ernest Hollings: D, South Carolina (5) 33 Dianne Feinstein: D, California (30) 29 Dan Coats: R, Indiana (26) 28 Chuck Hagel: R, Nebraska (39) 28 Byron Dorgan: D, North Dakota (31) 25 William Frist: R, Tennessee (36) 25 Orrin Hatch: R, Utah (13) 25

Most Terse:

Robert Byrd: D, West Virginia (2) 5 Lauch Faircloth: R, North Carolina (32) 5


75: Percentage of workers who think it's O.K. to date a co-worker

40: Percentage of workplace romances that lead to marriage or a long-term relationship

$2 million: Reported amount NBC will charge for a 30-sec. commercial during the final episode of Seinfeld

135 million: Viewers expected to watch the final episode of Seinfeld

$100,000: Monthly cost to advertise on a Times Square billboard

40 million: Number of people who pass through Times Square each month

$32,779: Earnings in 1997 by top pro rodeo bull rider Ty Hickerson

100: Number of serious injuries incurred during the 1997 rodeo circuit

$352,044: Winnings in 1997 by top pro bowler Walter Ray Williams Jr.

0: Number of serious injuries incurred during the 1997 bowling circuit

USA Today; New York Times; Outdoor Advertising Association; Int'l Professional Rodeo Association; Professional Bowlers Association