Monday, Mar. 09, 1998
By Tam Martinides Gray, Nadya Labi, Michele L. Orecklin and Alain L. Sanders
OPRAH WINFREY The Thrilla in Amarillo ends, and the cowboys lost. TV hosts aren't sacred cows, but we like 'em
FIDEL CASTRO Surprise: President wins fifth term, predicts socialism will outlive him. But not by how long
MAYOR GIULIANI Launches charmingly idealistic campaign to civilize N.Y.C.
MADONNA Says selling pix of her kid was a big mistake. Like it's her first. One day a publicity hound, the next a mom
MICHAEL MILKEN Pays $47 million for violating his probation by consulting. Next time he should try gardening
MAYOR GIULIANI Launches charmingly idealistic campaign to civilize N.Y.C.
$8,500: Amount Houston Astros players and staff at spring training in Florida contributed to tornado victims
$6,400: Average amount a Houston Astros player earns per at-bat
$5,000: Amount two arrested Chinese citizens allegedly wanted for a pair of corneas taken from prisoners executed in China
$5,000: Amount a New Jersey fertility clinic is paying women to donate a month's worth of eggs
$100 million: Estimated amount the U.S. is spending monthly to keep forces in the gulf primed for war, on top of the $60 million a month previously budgeted for a peacetime presence
$940 million: Amount the U.S. owes the U.N. in peacekeeping dues
7: Position on the New York Times best-seller list reached last Sunday by Ted Hughes' Birthday Letters
5: Years since a book of poetry made that list (Maya Angelou's On the Pulse of Morning)
Houston Astros; Fox Sports; USA Today; New York Times