Monday, Feb. 15, 1999


By Harriet Barovick, Tam Gray, Lina Lofaro, Daniel Levy, David Spitz, Flora Tartakovsky and Chris Taylor

$180 million Estimated amount that electronics firm Philips paid to have its name on the new Atlanta Hawks arena--a record for stadium sponsorship

$9,000 Amount Philips is paying per seat

$213 million Total cost to Time Warner, TIME's parent company, of building the stadium in the first place

$872 million Amount that Ross Perot's wealth increased on the day his computer firm, Perot Systems, went public last week

$100.6 million Total spent by Perot on his two presidential bids, including federal funding and the cost of creating the Reform Party

$3.35 billion Amount donated to charitable foundations last week by Perot's fellow billionaire Bill Gates--the largest tax-deductible gift ever

45 Length in minutes of the Harold Pinter play Ashes to Ashes

$48 Cost of a ticket for the best seats at the off-Broadway production

Sources: New York Times, Los Angeles Times, Houston Chronicle, Boneau/Bryan-Brown