Monday, Apr. 19, 1999

Tangled Web

By Harriet Barovick, Tam Gray, Daniel Levy, Lina Lofaro, Andrew Meier, David Spitz, Flora Tartakovsky and Chris Taylor

NET VICTORY Now that Al ("Creator of the Internet") Gore has finally got around to launching his campaign website, all the election 2000 front runners have officially laid out their stalls in cyberspace. So, who's got the hottest clicks?


URL/DOWNLOAD @ 56K 55 seconds

COOLEST FEATURE "Live" chat with the Veep

RESEMBLES OWNER? Answers to e-mail questions go on and on

[CANDIDATE] George W. Bush

[URL/DOWNLOAD @ 56K] 26 seconds

[COOLEST FEATURE] Webcast of speeches; en espanol version

[RESEMBLES OWNER?] Looks pretty, but doesn't say all that much

[CANDIDATE] Elizabeth Dole

[URL/DOWNLOAD @ 56K] 18 seconds

[COOLEST FEATURE] E-mail newsletter; Dole desktop wallpaper

[RESEMBLES OWNER?] Very professional--but options go fuzzy when you try to select them

[CANDIDATE] Steve Forbes

[URL/DOWNLOAD @ 56K] 43 seconds

[COOLEST FEATURE] Marvel at the "moral compass"!

[RESEMBLES OWNER?] Flash yet dweebish; sickly yellow color

[CANDIDATE] Bill Bradley

[URL/DOWNLOAD @ 56K] 28 seconds

[COOLEST FEATURE] No basketball pics

[RESEMBLES OWNER?] It's a long scroll down

[CANDIDATE] Pat Buchanan

[URL/DOWNLOAD @ 56K] 92 seconds

[COOLEST FEATURE] That charming, amateur home-page look

[RESEMBLES OWNER?] "Internet Brigade" suggests packing chat rooms, stuffing online ballots