Monday, Jun. 07, 1999
60-Second Symposium
By Harriet Barovick, Autumn DeLeon, Michelle Derrow, Tam Gray, Daniel Levy, Lina Lofaro, Anne Moffett, David Spitz and Chris Taylor
We asked New York real estate agents where Hillary Clinton should live if she aims to make New York her home and Senate seat.
"On Manhattan's East Side, Hillary could buy an apartment near the Armory. She could wave to fund raisers as they walked to the polls on Election Day. Or on Central Park West--the liberals, Hollywood celebs and quick escapes by helicopter would give her the life-style she has grown accustomed to." --Barbara Corcoran, the Corcoran Group
"Sagaponack, an oceanside hamlet, would offer Mrs. Clinton a quiet escape before attending those fund-raising parties. The paparazzi would concentrate on other high-profile celebrities, so she could flee the commitments and stop at the Sagg Main Store for a chicken pot pie." --Peter Hallock, Allan M. Schneider Associates
"Mrs. Clinton will need the refuge Westchester County can provide: a house near a university and airport, expensive yet unpretentious, with space to entertain, a pool and some acreage--a place for Chelsea's at-home wedding. Space for a doghouse is a plus." --Rita Steinkamp, Houlihan Lawrence