Monday, Jun. 28, 1999


By Melissa August, Harriet Barovick, Michelle Derrow, Brian Doyle, Tam Gray, Lina Lofaro, Robert Morse, David Spitz and Chris Taylor

30 Months elapsed since the JonBenet Ramsey murder probe began

125 Possible suspects who have been investigated, including 54 convicted sex offenders

1,231 Items of evidence logged by Boulder, Colo., police

10,000 Tips received by letter or by telephone

$1.7 million Boulder taxpayer dollars spent on the probe

0 Arrests made

9.79 sec. New world record for the 100-m sprint, set by American Maurice Greene--a whopping 0.5 sec. faster than the previous record

9.79 sec. World record for the 100 m set by Ben Johnson in 1988--withdrawn after he tested positive for steroids

70,000 Americans who are 100 years or older, according to a new Census Bureau report

834,000 Projected number of U.S. centenarians in the year 2050

Sources: Boulder police and TIME Denver bureau; AP; U.S. Census Bureau