Monday, Jul. 19, 1999


By Melissa August, Autumn de Leon, Michelle Derrow, Aisha Durham, Daniel S. Levy, Lina Lofaro, Michelle Orecklin, David Spitz, Chris Taylor

4.3% National unemployment rate

73% Unemployment rate for South Dakota's Oglala Lakota Sioux, whom President Clinton visited last week

63 Years since a sitting President has visited an Indian reservation

800 million Estimated number of pages stored on the World Wide Web as of February, up from about 320 million 15 months earlier

16% Proportion of the Web reached by the most comprehensive search engine, down from 34% for the previous study's best engine

5,372 Number by which single men 45 and younger outnumber single women their age in Santa Clara County, Calif., the heart of Silicon Valley

537,311 Number by which single women outnumber single men in New York City

2,950 Miles from Santa Clara County to New York City

1 The loneliest number

Sources: The White House, Nature, AP, Reuters