Monday, Aug. 09, 1999


By Michele Orecklin


Most kids go to camp to learn how to make lanyards and swim. But Chase Culeman-Beckman claims he got an education with more far-reaching implications. Now 19, Culeman-Beckman says in 1988 he went to day camp with Jacob Bernstein, son of former Washington Post reporter Carl Bernstein, and Jacob told him that W. MARK FELT, associate director of the FBI during Watergate, was the shadowy source known as Deep Throat. Culeman-Beckman researched the theory for a high school history class and this summer copyrighted an essay supporting it. But Carl Bernstein says he never told Jacob or his mother, screenwriter Nora Ephron, the identity of his source. Jacob was "repeating his mother's guesswork," Bernstein told the New York Post. Ephron concurs: "Carl never told me who Deep Throat was... But I always suspected it was Mark Felt." Felt, now 86, dismisses the theory. "I would have been more effective," he told the Hartford Courant last week.


It's the dirty secret Bride's Magazine never tells you: Don't forget to frisk the guests on the way out. The tip could have saved newly married Posh Spice, VICTORIA ADAMS, and soccer star DAVID BECKHAM thousands of dollars. Despite the 125 security men at their July wedding, some overly acquisitive celebrators went home with more than rice in their pockets. In an interview with a British paper last week, Posh says 75 rented silver goblets disappeared after the nuptials. Replacing stolen goods was not a cost the couple figured into their $800,000 party, so the newlywed made a public appeal: "If anyone has them, please give them back. You can keep the velvet napkin rings."


The World Wrestling Federation stripped her of her moniker; the clothes, she took off herself. Last week Rena Mero, the wrestler who can no longer be called SABLE, settled her $110 million lawsuit against the WWF. The blond battle-ax and mother of one had sued the league over her claims that it demanded she bare her breasts and participate in lesbian story lines. Though neither party will divulge the financial details, Mero has agreed to relinquish rights to the name Sable and for the next three years stay out of the ring, where she seems to have few issues with exposure. This week Mero appears on the cover of Playboy, the only woman to do so twice in one year. She is also said to be embarking on a project with Gene Simmons of Kiss and may play female warrior Red Sonja in a television series. That hellcat reputation is hard to shake.


NAME: Alan Keyes OCCUPATION: Would-be George W. Bush BEST PUNCH: After Leno joked about all G.O.P. presidential candidates being white, Keyes spokeswoman Becky Fenger asked for a correction. She says Leno grew angry, acting like a "nut cake" and a "rage-aholic."

NAME: Jay Leno OCCUPATION: Could-be Jack Paar BEST PUNCH: Finding Fenger's calls unreasonable, Leno labeled her a "psycho-woman" and declared "[Keyes], in my opinion, probably has the worst staff representing him. That's why [he's] doing so poorly in the polls."

WINNER Leno; when he discusses politics, people actually listen