Monday, Aug. 30, 1999
Your Money
By Julie Rawe
HOME INC. One obstacle to running a one-person business is the cost of benefits. and Aquent are part of an emerging segment that acts as virtual employers, offering 401(k) plans and group insurance rates. They'll bill your clients and withhold payroll taxes, so you can file a W-2 instead of a Schedule C or Form 1099. Workers' comp and liability insurance are included in the monthly fee of $99 to $249.
AUCTION ACTION With so many auction sites available, where will you find the best price? lets you compare the action on multiple sites by launching simultaneous auctions. This metasite offers free image hosting. You can store an unlimited number of photos at no charge. It posts daily news on auction scams as well as tips on how to formulate sales policies, research sellers and build a clientele. Also included are auction reviews and a directory of what items are moving fastest, and where.
COFFEE'S UPS AND DOWNS They've got an awful lot of coffee in Brazil, and elsewhere, which is why Maxwell House and Folgers are cutting prices 10[cents] a can. But don't expect prices to drip down in specialty coffees anytime soon. Peet's jacked up bean prices as much as $2 per lb. this month, following Starbucks, which raised its drink prices an average of 10[cents] in May. These chains cite tight supplies of labor and fancy coffees. Best advice is to scour the Web. Instead of paying $10 for a pound of Sumatra, buy two bags at for $7.86 each and pay no shipping fees.
--By Julie Rawe