Monday, Sep. 27, 1999
By Harriet Barovick, Matthew Cooper, Autumn De Leon, Andrew Goldstein, Daniel S. Levy, Lina Lofaro, Desa Philadelphia, Chris Taylor
54: Percentage of Americans who could not name Al Gore when asked who is running for the Democratic nomination for President
46: Percentage who could not name George W. Bush as a Republican candidate
$100 billion: Estimated yearly cost of providing worldwide access to safe water, adequate nutrition and basic education, according to the International Council on Social Welfare
$289 billion: Year 2000 Pentagon budget passed last week by the House of Representatives
76 million: Number of Americans who get food poisoning annually
1 million: Number of Americans who become vegetarians each year
1: Rank, in a survey of college freshmen, of "losing my virginity" when asked what was the biggest event in their lives
2: Rank of the fall of the Berlin Wall
Sources: Pew Research Center, AAP Newsfeed, Washington Post, N.Y. Times, People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals,