Monday, Oct. 25, 1999
A Racial Gap
By Christine Gorman
Doctors have long known that lung cancer, which kills 160,000 Americans each year, takes a heavier toll among black Americans, particularly black men, than among whites. In part that's because 34% of black men in the U.S. smoke cigarettes, compared with 28% of white men. (Black women tend to smoke less than white women.) It also has to do with differences in income and access to medical care. But there has always been a lingering suspicion that some of the gap might be due to either overt or subconscious discrimination. A study in last week's New England Journal of Medicine appears to bolster that disturbing conclusion.
Unlike other cancers, lung cancer is extremely hard to detect in its earliest, most treatable stages. Even so, about 20% of lung-cancer patients are found to have a tumor whose biological characteristics and small size give them a good chance of being cured if the malignant growth is surgically removed.
Researchers at the Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center in New York City and the National Cancer Institute in Bethesda, Md., looked at data from more than 10,000 white and black Medicare patients whose tumors were found early enough to make them candidates for surgery. About 77% of the white patients underwent the procedure, compared with 64% of blacks. The difference was sufficiently large to reduce the overall survival rate for black patients to 26% after five years, compared with 34% for whites. It's a gap that concerns the doctors. "People are dying needlessly," says Dr. Peter Bach of Memorial Sloan-Kettering, who led the study. He suspects "some combination of the procedure not being offered or pushed by doctors, and patients not accepting it."
If there is a silver lining to this, it's that those who were operated on had a similar survival rate regardless of race. So getting the word out that there is a proven treatment could help close the gap. It's also vital for doctors and patients to make sure they understand each other. Often it takes only a little extra time and attention to bridge any cultural differences.
Better communication will be even more important as treatments become more complex. Currently there's no screening test for finding lung cancer early. (Chest X rays almost always catch it too late.) But Dr. Claudia Henschke of the Weill Medical College at Cornell University in New York City and her colleagues believe they have found a way to identify very small tumors with low-dose CAT scans. It's a new approach that all smokers and ex-smokers, regardless of race, should keep an eye on.
First the CAT scan picks up suspicious-looking lesions in the lungs. Then a radiologist determines whether those nodules warrant further investigation. Most of the time, that means waiting a couple of weeks or months to see if they grow (only 1 out of 10 lesions is cancerous). Sometimes it means undergoing a biopsy. "We found that people were willing to wait," Henschke says, in order to avoid potential complications from unnecessary surgery. The still experimental scan costs $300 and is so far available only in New York City, Rochester, Minn., and Tampa, Fla. But if it becomes the next state-of-the-art weapon in the battle against lung cancer, the medical community needs to make sure its benefits are not limited to one group of people.
For more information on lung cancer, visit You can e-mail Christine at