Monday, Nov. 15, 1999


By Melissa August, Harriet Barovick, Val Castronovo, Tam Gray, Desa Philadephia, Julie Rawe, Hope Reeves and Chris Taylor

$4 million How much the government says it will cost each electricity plant that was sued by the Justice Department to introduce antipollution equipment

$100 million How much the pollution controls will cost per plant, according to the Wall Street Journal

3 out of 4 Number of foreign-policy questions George W. Bush flunked in a local TV interview. He was unable to name the leaders of India, Pakistan and Chechnya

72 Average grade Bush received in political science back at Yale

115 million How many fewer volunteers the Red Cross and the Red Crescent have now, compared with 1990

115 million How many people saw ABC's Who Wants to Be a Millionaire

13% Proportion of Ph.D.s awarded in 1967 that went to women

41% Proportion of Ph.D.s awarded in 1997 that went to women

Sources: The New York Times; Wall Street Journal; WHDH Boston; the New Yorker; International Red Cross & Red Crescent; Business Week; AP