Monday, Nov. 15, 1999


By Melissa August, Harriet Barovick, Val Castronovo, Tam Gray, Desa Philadephia, Julie Rawe, Hope Reeves and Chris Taylor

TO N OR NOT TWO NS It's the most overused word of the year. Yet for some reason--our brain circuitry's own Y2K bug perhaps--millennium is also the most shamelessly misspelled one. In 1999, newspaper and magazine editors in America and Britain omitted the second n a full 4,709 times. There's Elizabeth Arden's new Millenium Energist Revitalizing Emulsion; New York City's Millenium Hilton Hotel; and later this month, a New Year's Eve scene from the NBC movie Y2K, above. A concierge at the Millenium Hilton offers an explanation: "We did it to have originality--for the creativity of it."