Monday, Feb. 28, 2000
All Pumped Up
By Janice M. Horowitz
Jack La Lanne never did much for me. Sure, he introduced calisthenics to a generation of Americans. And, yes, at age 60 he swam from Alcatraz to Fisherman's Wharf in San Francisco, handcuffed and towing a 1,000-lb. boat. But basically the guy pumped iron, curling and pressing his way to an Atlas physique. For La Lanne, now 85, and for Americans still stuck in the 1950s, this was fitness. For the rest of us--thank you, Jane Fonda--working out means panting and sweating and doing anything that will increase the heart rate. Being a dedicated gym rat, I've always felt that if I didn't put in the obligatory 20 minutes of aerobics, I might as well not have worked out at all. Lifting weights, I thought, would bulge the biceps, but it wouldn't do a thing for the most important muscle of all: the heart.
I was wrong. Last week the American Heart Association issued a scientific advisory declaring that weight lifting does in fact improve cardiovascular health and is "strongly recommended for...cardiovascular disease-prevention programs." The report even suggests weight training for people who have had a heart attack--as long as they haven't suffered major heart damage.
What can pumping iron do for the ticker? The expert panel concluded that the biggest benefit may be the creation of greater lean body mass, which burns calories more efficiently and keeps weight in check. Strength training also improves the efficiency with which the body uses sugar, decreasing the odds of developing diabetes, a major risk factor for heart disease. It also seems to reduce total cholesterol--especially the "bad" LDL cholesterol.
What about blood pressure? After analyzing 30 years of data, researchers reported last week in the A.H.A.'s journal, Hypertension, that strength training does indeed take pressure off the circulatory system. "This was controversial for years," says the study's lead author, George Kelley, associate professor of exercise science at Northern Illinois University. "People thought weight training could actually increase blood pressure. Not so." Kelley found that after three months of moderate weight training by people with normal and slightly elevated readings, systolic blood pressure (the bigger number) decreased 2% and diastolic levels dropped 4%. While these changes may not sound dramatic, past research confirms that even such modest reductions lower the risk for stroke and coronary heart disease.
One precaution: folks with congestive heart failure, unstable angina or very high blood pressure (above 160/100) should stay out of the weight room. If you are generally healthy, however, you can begin training immediately--as long you don't go overboard.
So, ready to make like Rocky? Here's how to get started. Begin with light weights--about 40% of the heaviest weight you can manage--and work your way up gradually. Remember that the goal of weight training is to work muscles against resistance until they fatigue. Once your muscles no longer tire, you can add 5 to 10 lbs. To be effective, according to the A.H.A., you'll need to work out two or three times a week, performing one set of eight to 10 different exercises, eight to 15 times each. Sounds like a lot, but each workout can take as little as 10 minutes. You may not end up looking like Jack La Lanne, but you'll have a leaner, healthier machine.
For more information about exercise and the heart, visit You can e-mail Janice at