Monday, Aug. 07, 2000
By Melissa August, Val Castronovo, Rachel Dry, Daren Fonda, Michael Jackson, Ben Nugent, Michele Orecklin, Julie Rawe, John Rosenblatt, Josh Tyrangiel, Alexandra Wolfe
$10 million Amount spent by Alan Keyes before he dropped out of the presidential race last week
$30 Average individual contribution
$2.9 million Amount he received in federal matching funds
1.7[cents] Amount it cost per taxpayer to support Keyes' campaign
312 Number of days he spent on the campaign trail
200,000 Number of miles logged
900 Average number of supporters per rally, according to the campaign
20.5% Votes won in Utah's primary, his best showing
2.5% Votes won in Washington State, his worst
1 Number of appearances on the Tonight Show
1 Number of national politicians who endorsed him (Representative Tom Coburn, R-Okla.)
Sources: Federal Election Commission, Keyes campaign