Monday, Nov. 06, 2000


By Val Castronovo, Matthew Cooper, Daren Fonda, Daniel S. Levy, Benjamin Nugent, Julie Rawe, Sora Song and Josh Tyrangiel

4 Years of protest by a vegan prisoner in Lewisburg, Pa., before a judge ordered the facility to serve soy milk

145,000 Total number of federal prisoners, now offered meatless cuisine like veggie burgers and barbecued tofu

11[degrees]F Revised prediction of the maximum rise in average world temperatures by the end of the century, 66% higher than 1995 estimates

500 Estimated years before uncurbed greenhouse emissions raise sea levels 6 ft., submerging Miami and New Orleans

51% American families in 1998 with both spouses working at least part time, outnumbering single-income families for the first time in 24 years of data tracking

59% Record number of mothers who returned to work in 1998 before their babies were a year old, from 31% in 1976

$50,000 Amount Roger Clemens was fined for hurling a splintered bat in Mike Piazza's direction

0.32% Amount the fine will eat into the Yankee pitcher's $15.45 million salary

Sources: Washington Post; A.P., Geophysical Fluid Dynamics Laboratory; Census Bureau; Los Angeles Times