Monday, Jul. 30, 2001
Hollywood's Hit Factory
By Harriet Barovick, Ann Marie Bonardi, Beau Briese, Rhett Butler, Christina Lewis, Ellin Martens, Benjamin Nugent, Ryan Schick, Heather Won Tesoriero, Kadesha Thomas
"IT'S DOING HUGE BUSINESS IN JAPAN" With a few exceptions (Shrek), Hollywood's summer films have been letdowns at the box office. Unless you ask the studios:
HYPE Surefire hit, headed north of $250 million in the U.S. BOX OFFICE SO FAR $190 mil. SPIN "We're right in line with corporate goals. We may surpass $450 mil based on how it performs internationally." --Buena Vista's Chuck Viane
HYPE Spielberg's next E.T. BOX OFFICE $71 mil. SPIN "On track to be a worldwide success. It's had a record-setting three weeks in Japan." --Warner's Brad Ball ATLANTIS: THE LOST EMPIRE
HYPE Disney's answer to Shrek. BOX OFFICE $22 mil. SPIN "Not every movie is going to hit $100 mil. It's right in line with our expectations." --Viane
HYPE Computer-animated blockbuster. BOX OFFICE $19 mil. SPIN "It's correct that it did not live up to expectations. [But] the film has had some very strong results in Hong Kong, the Philippines, Malaysia and Singapore." --Columbia's Blaise Noto
Box office figures through July 18, 2001