Monday, Oct. 29, 2001

For The Record

By Elizabeth L. Bland; Heather Won Tesoriero

5,113 Latest number of dead, missing or presumed dead from the Sept. 11 attacks at the Pentagon and World Trade Center, including people on the four planes hijacked that day

$259.28 Cost of 60 capsules of 500 milligrams of Cipro, one of the antibiotics prescribed to combat anthrax

$15.59 Cost of 90 capsules of tetracycline, another anthrax-fighting antibiotic

5,000 Number of shipping containers that enter the port of New York/New Jersey daily

500 Number of those containers x-rayed by customs inspectors daily

1977 Year of last naturally occurring case of smallpox, found in Somalia

1972 Last year of routine smallpox vaccinations in U.S.

15 million Smallpox vaccinations currently available in the U.S.

Sources: New York City Mayor's Office; New York Times; Boston Globe; Wall Street Journal