Monday, Apr. 01, 2002

For The Record

By Melissa August, Harriet Barovick, Elizabeth L. Bland, Julie Rawe, Eric Roston and Roy B. White

37[cents] Cost of a first-class stamp after a 3[cent] increase just approved

$1.68 billion Amount the Postal Service lost last year, partly because of the impact of Sept. 11

29% Decrease in sexual content on TV shows since the 1998-99 season, according to a new study

17% Decrease in violent content on TV over the same period

112 Average number of violent acts per episode in Walker, Texas Ranger, the most violent network series of 1998-99

23 People charged with filing false death certificates after the WTC attacks

$760,000 Amount they had collected in benefits before being caught

$57.5 million Amount New York's Empire State Building was sold for last week by Donald Trump and his Japanese partner

$1.97 million Yearly income the building generates from its rental lease, one reason for the surprisingly low price tag

Sources: L.A. Times, Center for Media & Public Affairs, BBC, Newsday