Monday, Sep. 09, 2002

9/11: Then and Now

A SITE FOR REMEMBERING The events of 9/11 reminded us how useful the Web can be in disseminating breaking news. A year later, the medium is equally valuable for recalling the past. We have assembled a complete archive of 9/11-related articles and photo essays from the past year. As always, you can go to for coverage of the war on terrorism. Visit us at


FROM SHADOW TO LIGHT See this Web-only compilation of photographs that span the year from the tragic initial days to the war in Afghanistan to the clearing of the World Trade Center site.

DRAWING A REACTION One way many kids coped with 9/11 was to pick up a crayon. We excerpt eight drawings about the tragedy from New York City-area artists ages 8 to 17 first published in The Day Our World Changed: Children's Art of 9/11.

LARGER THAN LIFE Veteran LIFE photojournalist Joe McNally used the world's largest Polaroid camera to create life-size images of some of the people involved in the aftermath of the tragedy. The photos appear in a traveling exhibit called "Faces of Ground Zero," and you can view them online at our website.

From The Day Our World Changed by Robin F. Goodman and Andrea Henderson Fahnestock, in conjunction with NYU Child Study Center & the Museum of the City of New York, to be published by Harry N. Abrams, Inc.