Monday, Mar. 24, 2003
$10.7 billion Amount that airlines say they expect to lose if a war breaks out, reports the Air Transport Association
20% Decline in advance bookings last month, despite fares at a 15-year low, when the nation's terrorism alert rose to orange
28% Percentage of CEOs who say they are preparing for a potential terrorist attack
3% Percentage of those who are gearing up by providing emergency supplies and first-aid kits
60% Percentage of CEOs in favor of enhancing government surveillance capabilities for national security
5.5 million Number of unmarried couples heading U.S. households in 2000
3.2 million Number of unmarried couples in 1990
40% Estimated percentage of U.S. e-mail traffic that is unsolicited spam
20% Percentage of spam six months ago
Sources: Air Transport Association, TEC International, Census Bureau, Brightmail Inc.