Monday, May. 19, 2003

World Beaters

By Barbara Kiviat


To be a star investment banker would be a career-capping accomplishment for many. But that's just where Richardson, 40, got going. She recently left J.P. Morgan Chase, where she helped direct Comcast's acquisition of AT&T Broadband, to join buyout specialists Providence Equity Partners. Her main mandate is to spot deals on media and communications assets for the Rhode Island-based firm to scoop up. She will also help acquired firms accomplish their business plans.

DOMENICO SCALA Agrochemicals Advocate

As a top executive at the Swiss health-care company Roche, Scala, 38, hasn't had much time to pursue his hobby--scuba diving. He's been busy restructuring the pharmaceutical division and integrating a diagnostics firm Roche acquired. The workload isn't likely to let up when in June he takes over as CFO at Syngenta, the world's largest agrochemicals company, based in Basel. Scala's first priorities: raising awareness and confidence among investors.

EDWARD YING Merger Manager

When Ying joined Globe Telecom seven years ago, the firm, based near Manila, claimed about 130,000 subscribers. Today, as he departs, he is credited with helping build Globe to 7 million subscribers and $129 million in profit for 2002. Ying, 45, starts in May as COO of a larger telecom firm, Maxis Communications, based in Kuala Lumpur. First on the to-do list of this wine and cigar lover is integrating the recent acquisition of a rival firm, TimeCel.


After her father died last June, Smolyansky, 28, succeeded him as CEO of NASDAQ-traded Lifeway Foods, whose main product is kefir, a yogurt-like drink. The small firm, based in Morton Grove, Ill., has expanded abroad under Julie Smolyansky, boosting sales 14%, to $12.2 million, in 2002. Lifeway peddles kefir across the U.S., Canada and Eastern Europe, and its powdered kefir starter is popular in Asia, Britain and the Middle East. Smolyansky's next goal is to sell soy-based drinks in Latin America.