Monday, Jun. 30, 2003
38.8 million Number of Hispanics living in the U.S., according to Census estimates, making them the nation's largest minority group
14.6 million Number of Hispanics in the U.S. in 1980
50% Percentage of new cars sold in the U.S. that are SUVs or light trucks
2 Number of small SUVs out of a total of 12 that received the top rating of "good" for their test performance in a side-impact crash with another SUV or a pickup truck
500,000 Number of civilian health workers that federal officials said should be vaccinated for smallpox
37,608 Number that state health departments actually vaccinated before the initiative foundered for lack of volunteers
52% Percentage of people who said Laura Bush is the spouse they would most like to see in the White House
34% Percentage who said Bill Clinton is the spouse they would most like to see in the White House
Source: Washington Post (4); New York Times (2); Hotline (2)