Monday, Oct. 20, 2003

The Nominees May Be ...

By Harriet Barovick and Kate Novack

Actors like Barbra Streisand, Tim Robbins, Charlton Heston and Alec Baldwin seem content to offer unsolicited political tips on everything from drug laws to foreign policy. But a coterie of other celebrities have suggested that, like Arnold, they may want to do more than just talk politics (or, as in the case of Harrison Ford, play them in the movies). As we have just seen, getting into the Governor's mansion may not be much harder than getting into an Academy Awards ceremony--and you don't even have to be nice to Joan Rivers. --By Harriet Barovick and Kate Novack

ROB REINER Democrat for Governor Before the recall, the outspoken liberal director, who heads a California government commission on children, did not deny a rumor that he would bid for Governor in 2006.

BEN AFFLECK Democrat for Congress He stumped for Al Gore and Hillary Clinton in 2000 and in February said he could envision a future in Congress: "It would be fun to run on a platform I really believed in." But can J. Lo play Jackie O.?

DENNIS MILLER Republican for Senate G.O.P. strategists are reportedly gearing up to recruit the conservative comic, a recent fixture on political talk shows, to oppose California Senator Barbara Boxer in 2004.

KELSEY GRAMMER Republican for Senate The actor last month told Fox News his aspirations include being "Senator of whatever state I was living in."