Monday, Jan. 12, 2004


$9.317 billion Domestic box-office revenues for 2002

$9.275 billion Estimated box-office revenues for 2003, marking the first year-to-year decline since 1991

3.97% Percentage that movie-ticket prices increased last year

750 to 1 Recommended ratio of students per school nurse, according to the Centers for Disease Control

47% Percentage of schools that fail to meet this standard

2.8 million Increase in the U.S. population in 2003

74,000 Increase in the population of Nevada, the fastest-growing state for the 17th straight year

3,256 Number of British official functions attended by a royal family member last year

494 British functions attended by Prince Charles, the hardest-working royal

Sources: Chicago Tribune; AP; Centers for Disease Control; AP; Evening Standard