Monday, Feb. 02, 2004
"I don't think they existed ... I don't think there was a large-scale production program in the '90s." DAVID KAY, stepping down as leader of the U.S. hunt for weapons of mass destruction in Iraq, saying his work is finished
"We've found a couple of semitrailers ... I would deem that conclusive evidence, if you will, that he did have programs for weapons of mass destruction." DICK CHENEY, Vice President, asserting IN AN INTERVIEW that Saddam Hussein had been developing illegal weapons
"We have had a very serious anomaly on the vehicle." PETER THEISINGER, project manager of the Jet Propulsion Laboratory, on the sudden interruption in communication from Spirit, the Mars rover
"I don't really care too much what I wear, and I'm sure it would be criticized and my hair and everything else ... It just doesn't bother me that much." JUDITH STEINBERG DEAN, wife of Democratic candidate Howard Dean, in an interview with Diane Sawyer
"This is wonderful." ANNE LECLAIR, president and chief executive of the San Mateo (Calif.) County Convention and Visitors Bureau, talking to a reporter after learning that the murder trial of Scott Peterson had been moved to San Mateo County
"In order to avoid making it a tourist attraction or a shrine, we believe the best course of action is to eliminate it." ROBERT CARGIE, spokesman for the U.S. 4th Infantry Division in Iraq, after the unit asked for permission to destroy the hole in which its soldiers found Saddam Hussein
"We have a largely male audience, and they told us that if they wanted to get that kind of advice, they would wait until their mother-in-law came to visit." CHRIS BERRY, general manager of Washington radio station WMAL, on why the station canceled Dr. Laura Schlessinger
Sources: Reuters; Washington Post; AP; ABC; New York Times; Reuters; Washington Post