Monday, Jul. 26, 2004


"Their idea of equal rights is the American flag and Confederate swastika flying side by side." JULIAN BOND, chairman of the N.A.A.C.P., speaking last month about members of the Republican Party

"The current leadership, through their repeated partisan comments and hostile rhetoric, have shown that they are not interested in a constructive dialogue." SCOTT MCCLELLAN, presidential press secretary, on why Bush, for the fourth year in a row, declined an invitation to speak at the N.A.A.C.P.'s annual convention

"The fact that I am no longer the spokesman for Slim-Fast makes me sad, but not as sad as someone trying to punish me for exercising my right as an American to speak my mind." WHOOPI GOLDBERG, on the fallout from her off-color remarks about President Bush at a Democratic fund raiser

"I could do it. I'm a really good camper. I can sleep on the ground." MARTHA STEWART, after her sentencing, when asked by Barbara Walters if she could cope with prison life

"You can say I'm a hater, but I would argue I'm a lover. I'm a lover of traditional families and children, who deserve the right to have a mother and father." SENATOR RICK SANTORUM, speaking in favor of a proposed constitutional amendment to outlaw gay marriage

"I don't know how I'd do on the Senate floor if I got into a confrontation with someone I didn't appreciate, or maybe didn't appreciate me." MIKE DITKA, former coach of the Chicago Bears, on why he turned down an offer from Illinois Republicans to run for the U.S. Senate

"Like stand up straight and keep your hair out of your eyes." LAURA BUSH, asked what type of advice she gave her two daughters about campaigning for their father

Sources: Philadelphia Inquirer; AP (2); ABC 20/20; New York Times (2); NBC Today