Monday, Aug. 09, 2004
Table of Contents
10 QUESTIONS: Tommy Franks 8
Cracks in the Iraq coalition; G.O.P. dissatisfaction with Frist; corruption and Israel's wall; Google's IPO; European soccer invades the U.S. 19
MILESTONES: Al-Qaeda suspect arrested; former Mob boss convicted; Pop Rocks inventor dies; Crick remembered by Watson 27
IN THE ARENA: Joe Klein on John Kerry's vision of America 29
The Olympics return to where it all began. Athens isn't really ready, but the Games must go on 64
AMERICA'S QUEST: The ultimate photo gallery of U.S. stars 46
AQUA MAN: Michael Phelps, left, is a shark in the water. Can he win the most gold medals ever in one Games? 72
NEW BLOOD: With America's top track athletes plagued by scandal, the U.S. sends in the kids 78
Bush's Plan To win over swing voters, the President is focusing on his future agenda and going "positive." How long will that last? 30
BOSTON POPS: Behind-the-scenes photos of Kerry's big moment 34
DRUG TERROR How al-Qaeda is tapping the booming heroin trade to finance violence and destabilize Afghanistan 41
HOT ROCK NASA readies a probe to Mercury--the first in 30 years 42
DOOM 3 The video game that changed our culture is launching a powerfully realistic sequel 82
VIDEO GAMES: Can stellar effects revive the Myst franchise? 84
MOVIES: Part comedy, part thriller, Collateral is chilly and seductive; Joan Allen takes charge 87
BOOKS: Multitude lays out how the meek can inherit the earth 94
STYLE: BBQ goes global; powder-puff makeover; new Greek wines 99
HEALTH: Monitoring vital signs at a distance; restless-legs syndrome 101
MONEY: Spending--and saving--on the Internet; so long, employee options; when gas prices will ease 102
PEOPLE: A talentless Miss America contest; why Clinton's My Life is wacky in translation; a real-life fatal attraction 105
ESSAY: Bruce McCall on why you can't always trust what is written on the label 106