Monday, Oct. 18, 2004
Table of Contents
10 QUESTIONS: Radio's Don Imus on Bush, bigotry and Howard Stern 8
With dozens dead in hotel bombings in Sinai, experts ask if al-Qaeda has found a new battleground 17
IN THE ARENA: Joe Klein on how Bush and Kerry promise the voters everything and demand nothing of them 25
Crunch Time Jostling for every last vote, Bush and Kerry are stumping, spinning and trying to fire up their bases in a final blitz before Election Day 26
THE GROUND WAR: In the trenches with the campaign foot soldiers 30
TAKING THE HILL: TIME's guide to the hottest congressional races 41
ROCKY MOUNTAIN TIE: Will Colorado be the Florida of 2004? 49
Saddam A new report shows how the Iraqi dictator kept bluffing about WMDs when the truth might have saved his regime 50
MILITARY: The U.S. intelligence on Iraq's biological, chemical and nuclear holdings was just wrong 52
POLITICS OF THE DRAFT: Bush says he won't reinstate it; 42% of those polled by TIME don't believe him 54
FLAT SCREENS A 50-in. slab of television is the next big thing, but not yet easily affordable. When should you get yours? 64
MOUNT ST. HELENS The hyperactive volcano is threatening to blow its top again. Here's how scientists monitor the fireworks 70
TOO SOON Premature births in the U.S. are up a troubling 27% since 1980. Doctors struggle to find the causes and to extend time in the womb 73
FLYING FOXX Jamie Foxx thinks he's great. After his turn as Ray Charles, it's hard to disagree 76
STAR QUALITY IN PARIS In fashion, it's all about who's wearing you 83
HEALTH: One of the two companies making flu vaccines for the U.S. was shut down. How you can cope 91
TECHNOLOGY: Bye-bye, iPod? Buy a flash player for as little as $35 92
MONEY: Women purchase 62% of new cars. Now they have to learn how to drive a smart bargain 94
PEOPLE: Elton raps Madonna; Tiger Woods weds; blogs of the stars; Duran Duran is back 97
ESSAY: Charles Krauthammer in defense of fear-peddling 98
COVER: Illustration for TIME by Daniel Adel