Monday, Nov. 29, 2004

Hi, Robot

By Anita Hamilton; Maryanne Murray Buechner; Lev Grossman; Simon Crittle; Sora Song With Reporting by Hanna Kite; Yuki Oda/Tokyo


One of the hardest things to get a robot to do is walk on two legs, but nowadays bipedal is practically banal. The real trick is to give your humanoid a smooth, natural gait. The J4, above, JVC's 8-in. showpiece at a recent Tokyo trade show, proved it could walk a nice walk and kick a soccer ball to boot. It's controlled via Bluetooth. The Chroino, right--if we didn't know any better, we'd think it was Playmobil's tribute to Marvin the Martian--also boasts a more graceful stride, thanks to new SHIN-Walk technology that allows the 14-in. robot to maintain an even center of gravity and avoid the awkward bent-knee technique common to other walking bots.

INVENTORS J4: JVC; Chroino: Tomotaka Takahashi, Robo-Garage, Kyoto University

AVAILABILITY Prototypes only


Insurgents, be afraid. An armed, unmanned ground vehicle that never gets tired, hungry or scared is headed your way. The Sword has night and thermal vision, four cameras and a 7.62-mm machine gun. It can climb stairs and is utterly silent--until it opens fire. A live video feed enables its "driver" to operate the vehicle from up to 1 mile away. The U.S. Army has ordered 18 to deploy in Iraq.

INVENTORS U.S. Army's Armament Research, Development and Engineering Center and Massachusetts defense firm Foster-Miller

AVAILABILITY 2005, $230,000 (military only)