Friday, Dec. 17, 2004
Making Trouble for the Doubles
By Barbara Kiviat
Sometimes it can be a total, like, downer to be a superfamous millionaire college kid with your own clothing line. New York University frosh MARY-KATE and ASHLEY OLSEN were probably looking forward to their inaugural protest march--but not to having it directed at them. The National Labor Committee took the twins to task over maternity leave-- or, rather, the lack of it--for the women in Bangladesh who sew their Wal-Mart clothing line. The school newspaper suggested the student government censure the celebs, and a march was organized. When presented with a pledge guaranteeing pregnant women time off, the stars quickly signed. The Olsens' names were removed from protest banners, but the march continued against Wal-Mart. As if understanding multivariable calculus weren't enough to worry about already.