Sunday, Feb. 20, 2005
Q&A Jamie Kennedy
By Rebecca Winters
What was it like making a movie with a baby?
Sometimes in the middle of the scene, my co-star would wet his pants. I've worked with some crazy actresses, but I've never had that before.
Was it weird following in Jim Carrey's footsteps?
You know what's weird? I've never heard that question.
Moving on ... I loved The Jamie Kennedy Experiment. The people who axed it are idiots. Well, you know what? Put that in print.
Are you getting a show on Comedy Central? Boy, someone does their homework. Yes. It's got elements of my old show, The Osbournes and dancing babies.
You're producing two shows on the WB. Might you have a career behind the camera? What are you saying, I'm going Ron Howard? I'm losing the top of my dome? I'm on the Propecia. My hair's good.
Your name is James Harvey Kennedy, and you're from Upper Darby. When you drink tea, do you lift your pinkie? I do. My sister used to drink apricot tea, and her pinkie would go up. I had four sisters, and I was impressionable.
Do you get recognized a lot? People used to recognize me as the guy from Scream. And then they'd scream at me. I was so happy the movie wasn't called Spit.