Sunday, Feb. 27, 2005

Music vs. Rock of Ages

By Sora Song

When metal band Korn's guitarist Brian (Head) Welch left the group, saying his newfound belief in Jesus made him want to try another sort of music, it reminded us of other rock stars who have taken up Abrahamic faiths.


New faith Islam in 1977

Adopted name Yusuf Islam

Career turn The folk rocker disappeared from the music scene but resurfaced on a "no-fly" list while on a flight from London to the U.S.


New faith Christianity in 1978

Adopted name None. It seems God was fine with "Bob Dylan"

Career turn His conversion album, Saved, was much mocked, but he rewarded patient fans with Infidels


Took up Kabbalah, a form of Jewish mysticism, in 1996

Adopted name Esther

Career turn Fans praised the spiritual Ray of Light, but moved quickly on to the altar of J.Lo.