Monday, Jun. 13, 2005
Who Did It with the Lead Pipe in the Study?
By Jeninne Lee-St. John
When celebrities attack, you never know what's going to hit you. Take Russell Crowe, who last week chucked a telephone in the face of a hotel concierge and was arrested for assault. Though he apologized on national TV, Crowe joined the list of hot-tempered famous folks around whom it's wise to duck. Can you match the celeb with the everyday item turned dangerous in his or her hands? --By Jeninne Lee-St. John
A. Jack Nicholson
B. Cameron Diaz
C. Christian Slater
D. Courtney Love
E. Omar Sharif
F. Naomi Campbell
CELL PHONE -- Another famous phone batterer, this star pleaded guilty to hammering an assistant in the head with a handset in a Toronto hotel.
TABLE LAMP -- Reportedly smashed this into another actor's face during a brawl while filming in India--the year after head butting a cop in France.
GOLF CLUB -- Ended an L.A. traffic dispute by taking one of these to the windshield of another driver. Charges were dropped after a civil settlement.
COWBOY BOOT -- After evading police in West Hollywood, was charged with assault with a deadly weapon for kicking a deputy with a pointy-toed clodhopper.
ICE CHIPS -- Pelted a model with these in a Manhattan restaurant, the New York Daily News reported--though a p.r. rep later denied the incident.
MICROPHONE STAND -- Got into trouble (again) for tossing one while performing at a Greenwich Village nightclub, hitting a patron in the head; pleaded guilty to disorderly conduct.
Answers: Cell phone, F; table lamp, E; golf club, A; cowboy boot, C; ice chips, B; microphone stand, D