Sunday, Jul. 31, 2005
190 million
Age in years of fossilized dinosaur embryos, the oldest yet found, discovered in South Africa
Length in inches of the egg below. The dino would have walked on four legs before maturing into a 16-ft.-long biped
Amount a lawsuit alleges a former Wal-Mart vice chairman siphoned off via bogus expense reports and misuse of company gift cards, charges he denies
Number of years he headed employee-theft investigations at Wal-Mart's Sam's Club division
Inches of rain that fell on Bombay in 24 hours, the heaviest downpour since India began tracking such data in 1846
Number of men arrested for spreading postdeluge rumors of a tsunami, landslides and a burst dam; the last scare set off a deadly stampede
Amount O.J. Simpson was ordered to pay to DirecTV for stealing the satellite broadcaster's signals
Amount Dennis Rodman stiffed a gas station on a cross-country road race for charity
Sources: USA Today (2); New York Times (2); AP (3); Glenwood Springs (Colo.) Post Independent