Sunday, Nov. 20, 2005
203 Number of U.S. soldiers killed in and around Afghanistan since 2001, as of Nov. 18
94 Number of those soldiers who were killed there this year
59 Number of prisoners executed in the U.S. last year, six fewer than in 2003
125 Number of people convicted of murder in the U.S. who were sentenced to death last year, the lowest total since 1973
60 Number of years since the Slinky debuted in stores
0 Number of reporters and photographers who have been allowed inside the Slinky factory, which fiercely guards its trade secrets
$66,180 Average income of readers of In Touch Weekly, a celebrity-gossip magazine, according to market research
$60,432 Average income of readers of Vogue, the fashion standard-bearer
50 Number of games (up from 10) a Major League Baseball player must sit out after testing positive for steroids, under a new agreement between team owners and the players' union
3 Number of times a player must test positive for steroids to be banned from the sport
Sources: Department of Defense (2); Department of Justice; Washington Post; Poof-Slinky (2); AdAge (2); USA Today (2)