Sunday, Feb. 05, 2006
-0.5% Personal-savings rate in 2005, the first year since the Great Depression that Americans spent more than they made
7.6% Average annual personal-savings rate in the U.S. since 1929
$36 billion ExxonMobil's profit in 2005, a 43% increase from 2004 and the largest annual net income in U.S. history
6.5% Portion of U.S. consumer spending in September that went to gas and other energy bills, the highest rate in more than two decades
2.5 Years that Weezer's lead singer Rivers Cuomo says he has stayed celibate, seven months longer than his original pledge
3 Days that Italian Premier Silvio Berlusconi sustained his vow to abstain from sex until Italy's April 9 general election before declaring the campaign pledge a joke
$37 million Average box office (pre-nomination) for the Oscars' Best Picture nominees, the lowest in almost 20 years
$30 million Average box office for the Razzies' Worst Picture nominees, including House of Wax and The Dukes of Hazzard
Sources: Bureau of Economic Analysis (2); ExxonMobil; Conference Board; Geffen Records; AP; USA Today;