Sunday, May. 28, 2006


-0.4% U.S. personal-savings rate in 2005, the first time since 1933 that the average American's spending has exceeded disposable income

$9,312 Estimated average credit-card debt per U.S. card-holding household in 2005

726 Number of gay and lesbian members of the military discharged in 2005 for breaching the "Don't ask, don't tell" policy

$200 million Estimated amount the U.S. has spent to recruit and train replacements for troops discharged under the policy from 1994 to 2005

$9.7 billion Amount raised by the Bank of China last week in the initial public offering of its stock, the largest IPO in the world in six years

75 Number of cases in which Bank of China employees were accused of financial crimes last year, according to the company's pre-IPO legal filings

26% Proportion of U.S. couples marrying in 2006 who are expected to have destination weddings

$900 Average amount that a guest will spend to attend such a wedding

10 Years of probation given to a Nebraska man for sexually assaulting a child, by a judge who said he was too small to survive in prison

5 ft. 1 in. The man's height

Sources: Washington Post; USA Today; Washington Post (2); International Herald Tribune (2); USA Today (2); Associated Press (2)