Sunday, Nov. 05, 2006
What's Next
o North Korea to Talk
Pyongyang softens amid sanctions
With U.N.-approved sanctions strangling its already weak economy following an Oct. 9 nuke test, North Korea agreed to resume six-nation talks on disarmament, possibly as early as this month.
o Al-Jazeera in English
News net to launch new channel
The Arabic TV network that has irked the U.S. by airing al-Qaeda videos will mark its 10th birthday with the launch next week of an English-language channel available worldwide--even in the U.S.
o KFC Trims the Fat
Menu 80% trans-fat free by '07
Four months after being sued for frying its chicken in oil laden with lethal trans fats, KFC said it plans to switch to a healthier soybean oil by April. Those craving trans fats can still eat KFC's biscuits.
o Barbaro Gets Better
A milestone for the Thoroughbred
Kentucky Derby winner Barbaro, the colt that nearly died after his right leg shattered in the Preakness in May, has recovered so well that he's set to have his cast removed this week.
o Borat's Next Movie
Satirist signs $42.5 million deal
High five! Sacha Baron Cohen's Borat has won praise--and a movie deal for another of his personas. He begins filming as gay Austrian fashionista Bruno next year.