Sunday, Nov. 26, 2006
What's Next
NATO Riga Summit Latvia to host 26-nation meeting
President Bush is set to visit Riga, Latvia, this week for a NATO summit, at which he will urge greater spending for Afghanistan as well as propose a military pact with Australia, Japan and South Korea.
Nepalese Peace Government, rebels sign accord
After a decade of fighting, Maoist rebels last week signed a peace accord and vowed to drop their weapons until elections early next year, when Nepal will vote on whether to remain a monarchy.
Artificial-Sun Pact New fuel alternative by 2040
The U.S., the European Union and five other nations will begin construction this spring on a $12.8 billion reactor to mimic the sun's nuclear fusion, in theory creating a limitless supply of energy.
Coolidge Coins Four new POTUS dollars a year
I'll trade you Franklin Pierce for Zachary Taylor. In an effort to supplant the paper dollar, the U.S. Mint in February will begin circulating $1 coins, each with the image of a deceased U.S. President.
Tony Tours, Again! A perfect sponsor for Bennett
Retirement can really rock. Octogenarian Tony Bennett last week announced a 20-city U.S. tour titled The Best Is Yet to Come, starting early next year and sponsored exclusively by AARP.